Group Opportunities

Bible Study

Currently, we have two bible studies to offer. An adult Bible Study that takes place every Sunday morning during the hour between worship services, 10:15 –11:15am. 

The Brown Bag Bible Study meets on the second Thursday of every month at noon. This is a hybrid format. Each month they focus on a different book of the New Testament. If interested in either of the above, please contact Tim Krueger at:

Women's Study/Fellowship

Advent has two women’s “circles.” The Hope Circle meets the second Tuesday of each month at 9:30am for a time of fellowship and book discussion.

Sophia meets the 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month at 10:00am. Any woman is welcome to come and join the discussions and meet a new friend.

Please contact the church office at 440.257.5565 if interested in either of the above groups!


The Piecemakers Quilting Circle meets every Thursday at 9:30am. No quilting experience is necessary. Quilts are made for those in need and victims of disasters worldwide through Lutheran World Relief. Comfort quilts for members and "thank you" quilts for Veterans are also made by this group.

If interested, please contact:

Retired Men's Fellowship

This group meets the first Tuesday of every month in our fellowship hall at 9:30am. They meet for coffee, donuts and discussion. All are welcome!

Please contact the church office at 440.257.5565 for more information!


The choir meets to rehearse every Thursday evening at 7:00pm and sings at the 9:00am service each Sunday Labor Day through Memorial Day.

For more information, please email the choir director at:

Caregiver's Support Group

We meet each month on the second Thursday at 1pm at the church. If you, or you know of anyone, who is caring for a loved one, please consider joining our group and be filled with support, love, and fellowship.

Questions: please contact our Parish Nurse, Christine Noble at: 440.346.3120.

Care Team

The Care Team is made up of several individuals in groups of 3 or 4, who on a rotating schedule send cards, make visits, provide meals, and/or make phone calls to our members in need (hospitalized, homebound, new baby, death in family, etc).

If interested, please contact Christine Noble at: 440.346.3120

Senior Adult Fellowship Opportunities

The OK Gang (Older Kids) meets every 3rd Monday of the month at 1:00pm at different local restaurants. Call the church office at 440.257.5565 to find out where they are meeting this month!

Prayer Chain

The Prayer Chain is part of our Prayer and Spirituality Ministry. Nothing could be more gratifying than lifting someone up in prayer in their time of need. Members of the prayer chain receive prayer requests through email or via a phone, then we ask you to pray. Please contact the church office (440.257.5565) if you would like to be a part of this ministry as a pray-er or if you have a prayer request.

Interested in joining a group?

Please contact the church office for more information